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The future of farming is powered by Holo

We are building the next generation farm operating system that will digitize all your workflows, connect all your hardware and apps, and use AI to optimize your core processes from crop planning, to growing, packing and sales. Book a demo today to learn more.

Graphic of crop planning

Fully digitized workflows

By digitizing and integrating all core workflows — from crop planning, greenhouse and field operations, to harvesting, inventory, packing, and sales — we not only making your operations more efficient today, but we are also building the foundation to optimize and automate all these processes using AI.

Crop planning
Greenhouse and field operations
Inventory and packing
Crop planning mapCrop planning map mobile

Automate traceability, food safety and organic reporting

Since we digitized all workflows for seeding, planting, input management, harvesting, inventory, packing, and sales, we have complete traceability for all your crops and inputs. In addition to this, our task management system helps you seamlessly track all additional requirements for GAP, FSMA, USDA Organic, and other certifications. All you have to do is select a date range to refresh your audit reports.

Task management

AI-powered crop planning

We are developing the world's first AI-powered crop planner that will generate crop plans optimized to meet your sales forecast and maximize your yields and soil health. The AI model will run optimization based on your sales forecast and historical data for plantings, inputs, yields, and soil tests. The platform will connect to online weather services, in-field weather stations, soil sensors, and irrigation systems to run optimization based on growing degree days and precipitation data. The model will also maximize resource usage, such as seeding houses, fields, high/low tunnels, equipment, and staff availability.

Graphic of crop planning

Supercharge productivity for your greenhouse and field operations

All tasks for your greenhouse and field operations can now be generated automatically based on the planting entries in your crop plan. This allows your teams to work autonomously with the tasks available directly on their phones. The integration with Zebra desktop and mobile printers enables you to print tray labels and planting signs with QR codes directly from the app, providing a fully streamlined QR-based workflow, from seeding in trays and transplanting to the field, to harvesting and order packing.

“The ability to automatically generate tasks for my teams in advance allowed me to take a three-week vacation during the height of the season for the first time in my career” -

Anton Burkett, Greenhouse and Field Operations Manager, Norwich Meadows Farm, NY.

Storefront on desktop
Storefront checkout on mobile
Storefront checkout on mobile

Combined view of inventory and in-field availability

Finally, there is a way to always know exactly what you have in storage and your in-field availability. With the Holo app's scouting functionality, your team can easily update weekly harvest availability per crop and field, so that you get a real-time overview of your total in-field availability. The in-field availability can then be combined with your Holo inventory functionality and sales functionality to generate a combined view of what you have in storage, in-field availability, and the quantities that need to be fulfilled for a given date range.

Graphic of crop planning

Harvest with precision and seamless traceability

Harvesting tasks can easily be generated based on what you have in inventory, in-field availability, and orders for a given date range.

Your harvesting teams can use the Holo app's harvesting functionality to easily pull up exactly what to harvest. To complete a harvesting task, you can simply scan a QR code to record the field as well as individual planting information. Once the harvest task is completed, a LOT number is generated, and you can print harvest labels with QR codes using our integration with mobile Zebra printers.

Harvesting on desktop
Harvesting on mobile

Packing with LOT QR code scanning

The app-based order packing functionality allows you to easily update and confirm line item quantities and print labels directly from a phone or tablet. By scanning the QR code printed using the harvesting app, you can quickly add one or several LOT numbers to each line item. When the order is packed, a fulfillment email is automatically sent to customers, so that they know exactly what they will get.

Full LOT number traceability
Update line item quantities and weights
Automate label printing
Automated customer email notification
Order packing on mobile

A sales platform with real-time updates based on your storage and in-field availability

Built with the latest tech by world-class e-commerce developers, the sales platform’s inventory is updated automatically based on your current storage and in-field scouting, giving you and your customers real-time information about your exact availability. LOT numbers are scanned during order packing and included on line item labels and invoices. Our powerful LOT search functionality allows you to find all orders containing a specific LOT number and view all information related to that specific planting. The platform includes an online store designed for wholesale buyers, the ability to input orders and POs manually, and we will add direct integration to leading procurement systems during 2025.

    Full GAP compliance & LOT traceability
    Inventory based on storage and in-field availability
    Integration with leading procurement systems
    Delivery area & pickup definitions
    Powerful discount functionality
    Automatic order cut-off times
Storefront on desktop
Storefront checkout on mobile
Storefront checkout on mobile

Get on top of your soil health

A comprehensive dashboard for soil tests

With Holo's soil test dashboard, you can easily get a comprehensive overview of your soil test data overlaid on top of your fields. Switch between layers for different soil test parameters to view your fields color-coded according to the data value for each field. You can also easily pull up your planting records within the same view to compare trends in your soil test data with what you have planted over time in that field. It is quick to bulk upload all your historic soil tests to get started, but we will also work on integration with leading soil test labs to enable automatic syncing of soil test results.

App for soil sampling

Our mobile app will include functionality that will make it super simple for you and your staff to take soil samples with speed and accuracy without relying on expensive service providers. With the app, you can record the time and GPS location for each core that you collect and automatically print labels for composite samples as well as the lab order forms. This will drastically improve the accuracy of your soil data as you can collect soil samples with better temporal and spatial precision and consistency.

Harvesting on desktop
Harvesting on mobile
About Holo

For the past 12,000 years, the Earth has experienced a stable climate period, which has allowed humanity to develop agriculture, civilizations, and many other hallmarks of modern life. This geological epoch is called the Holocene. The vast amount of CO2 we have released into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution is now threatening the very existence of the Holocene; we are on a clear path to enter a new human-made epoch with catastrophic consequences. Roughly 20% of the CO2 released into the atmosphere comes from the degradation of our agricultural lands.

At holo, our mission is to contribute to the fight to preserve the Holocene by building the digital infrastructure needed to scale up the transition to regenerative agriculture. We believe that to achieve this, it is vital that we develop a farm operating system that has the digital tools necessary to make diversified regenerative farming cost efficient and to build a marketplace that makes it easy for all types of buyers to source from farmers with fields that have verified high carbon levels. Please reach out if you want to join us in our mission to preserve the Holocene by building a regenerative world.